Think, Observe and Grow Prosper.

Kanish Bodhwani
4 min readMay 1, 2022


Millennials (individuals born between 1981 and 1997 or later) are the generation of people who are supposed to be smartest, optimistic, dreamers, more wiser, determined, disciplined, game changers but the truth is quite opposite. We are the laziest, we have no curiosity, no dreams, don’t know how to manage our own time, not knowing what to do and the most important, Fear. Fear of failing, fear of other people perspective, fear of not knowing much and it goes on, until we realise its too late now and we can’t achieve anything now. The previous statement has a flaw, Actually, you can do anything you want at any period of your time, age is just a number, Ray Kroc started franchising McDonald’s when he was 52. He could have thought that I am too old for this but he instead put delicious meals inside your mouth while you read this blog.

So, Why do we have fear in us? Why are we scared of other people opinions? What is it in us that put us behind? The answer is a bit strange. We don’t. We don’t have this fear, we are just insecure. Insecure to tell the world about our failures, insecure to become what we always wanted, insecure to be with someone. We have this judgement making in ourselves that we think how something is going to happen before doing it and that’s what we are gonna discuss about.


Do not allow negative thoughts to enter your mind for they are weeds that strangle confidence. ~ Bruce lee

A study found out that an average human being has at least 6200 thoughts a day. We all think differently yet a lot. So, it doesn’t matter how much you think, what matters is what you think. Of all these thousands of thoughts, you don’t wanna think about other people perception about yours, that’s a waste of time and thinking. What you wanna do is ask yourself, Why am I thinking this? Does it matter to me ? By asking these questions you’ll get a clear picture of what you should or shouldn’t think. By narrowing down your thoughts, you can focus on the good one’s and can think clearly. Remember, There are no bad thoughts it’s your perspective how you take it.

Focus. You can get your mind to think what you want. Focusing is about saying yes. No, focusing is about saying no, it’s about saying no to things you don’t want to do. Focusing is an art of “saying no to say yes”. You can’t stay focused at two things at a time that’s just switching task from one to another. The average human brain requires 20–25 mins to switch to another task. So if you are doing two things at a time and thinking that it’s more productive, Think again.


By observing your surroundings, you can have different perspectives from different people and see the big picture.

Being an observant means watching people and how they tackle their problems gives you a better understanding of the very nature of people. It’s like reading a book but the events are happening in real time. Observation is a skill, you can learn it by doing it again and again. The only difference in us is that we see things differently and that changes everything. Knowing perspective of others is helpful in making your own just as we learn from other’s mistakes as well.

By surrounding yourself to people who you wanna be, you can observe them, How they work? Why they work? What thrives them?. You will be startled to see they are just as ordinary as you are. What makes them different is their purpose of life, what makes them get up in the morning. Ask yourself, What makes you get up in the morning?.

There is no formula to become successful, None. Before that, We should ask ourselves what does success even means? Does it mean driving a Rolls Royce? Or does it mean making a lot of money? for some maybe, but these are material things we find fascinating for some time (at an extent) if you own one, you already know. Success in not a place, not a position, not a race, not making more money. It’s a choice. So do not pursue success its not there. It’s within you, how you make decisions in your life, what you choose to do and did you do it well.

Success comes within, those who pursue it, gets lost.

Follow if you don’t wanna get lost.

